Financial, Investment and Estate Planning Blog

Finances and Estate Planning are 2 critical life areas you can't leave to chance. In this blog, I will share various articles, tips and advice to help you navigate these areas. But a personalized 1 on 1 chat will always trump reading a blog. Call me today!

Women Should Know These 7 Things About Social Security

Did you know… You should start preparing a Social Security Strategy by age 55! Most people don't even think about Social Security until they're facing retirement, but it really pays to be informed. There are so many misconceptions and knowledge gaps about Social Security Benefits, and these gaps can prove to be costly, especially for women. While e...

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Top Retirement Challenges For Women

One of the biggest financial challenges women often face is preparing for and having enough saved for retirement years. There are numerous reasons why these challenges exist, but through continued awareness and planning those challenges can be minimized. While these aren't all of the challenges women can face, here are a few challenges to be aware ...

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7075 W. Bell Road. Ste 8, Glendale, AZ 85308