By David Lesnick on Friday, 07 January 2022
Category: Retirement

Top Retirement Challenges For Women

One of the biggest financial challenges women often face is preparing for and having enough saved for retirement years. There are numerous reasons why these challenges exist, but through continued awareness and planning those challenges can be minimized. While these aren't all of the challenges women can face, here are a few challenges to be aware of:

Longevity: On average, American women live five years longer than men and are frequently caregivers for their husbands in advanced age. They may not have anyone to provide help when they need it and as a result, account for more than 70 percent of nursing home residents.1 In addition to potentially greater long-term care expenses, longer lives result in increased healthcare costs.

Pay gap: According to the most recent Census data from 2018, women still earn 82 cents for every $1 their male counterparts earn. Multiple reasons account for the disparities; one significant factor is the types of careers many women traditionally pursue.

Savings gap: Clearly, it's harder to save when you earn less. Women are typically primary caregivers for children and aging parents – creating employment gaps in their careers. This not only impacts their personal savings and career advancement; it also affects their Social Security benefits.

The good news is, an awareness of these challenges can help gain knowledge, take control of your situation, and save and invest well. No matter marital status, we can make sure you have the knowledge and plan you need to address your unique challenges and plan for a more secure retirement. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

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