By David Lesnick on Monday, 17 October 2022
Category: Lifestyle

3 tips for winterizing your wardrobe

Autumn has arrived, which means here comes chunky scarves and cozy sweaters! But if closet space is tight, it can be a nightmare to make room for bulky winter clothing PLUS your summer attire. Solve that problem by safely storing your summer wardrobe until next year.

When you organize and store clothes properly you're less likely to waste money buying unnecessary duplicates or ruin clothes and need to replace them. Instead, follow these simple tips to winterizing your summer wardrobe so it'll be ready-to-wear come spring:

Simple organization. Go through your summer clothing and separate into three piles: keep, donate and sell. Anything you keep should be washed, folded nicely, or rolled and then put into its designated storage container. Then, organize each container by clothing type so it's easily findable should you head somewhere warm this winter. As a bonus, consider selling nicer items on resale sites to earn extra cash.

Plastic storage. Investing in reasonably-priced, stackable, durable plastic storage bins will protect your clothes from mold, dust, pests, and discoloration. Buy transparent ones to see what's stored inside, color-coded ones for different family members, or simply label them on all tops and sides.

Alternative storage. If you're on a tight budget or prefer to up-cycle cardboard boxes, use larger Amazon or appliance boxes instead. Just be sure to store non-watertight containers off the ground in case of a leak or flood.

While you're tucking away your summer storage bins, you may unearth paperwork you stored away safely and have since forgotten about. Don't hesitate to schedule a time to re-visit any important documents you find that may need updating or review. 

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